There is convincing evidence suggesting that our physical body is connected to a field of information and energy called an Information Energy Matrix.
The information energy matrix is a malleable field of energy that changes in response to what we feed that field. Through the use of the Wellness Balancer Pyramid, we can gain access to this field.
Our understanding of the world and our relation to it are steeped in the story of physical matter and separation. On the other hand, the leading-edge discoveries are taking us to a new realm of understanding. We interact with the matrix through all kinds of energy and information: our thoughts, heat, sounds, and bioelectric vibrations.
Our scientific experiments showed us how we reach the quantum potential of the information energy matrix using the Wellness Balancer Pyramid. How can we target specific properties for a particular area of interest, and how does the Wellness Balancer Pyramid open the waves of that energy into the particles of our everyday lives?
Our bodies regenerate themselves constantly in about a year. In 365 days, we become new people. At the same time, we don’t feel it. The science of cellular regeneration tells us that different parts of our body regenerate at different speeds.
Let us look at some specific organs, tissue, and DNA.
The fact that we are constantly regenerating means that the pattern that gives us what we are in the moment is not set in stone. It is continuously changing, and we have the opportunity to utilize the Wellness Balancer Pyramid as an energy-tuning tool in those periods of regeneration. Thus, we have a chance to change into better expressions of ourselves. The Wellness Balancer Pyramid software calculates the optimum energy field patterns necessary to achieve the maximum benefits.
According to extensive research in cellular biology, one can see how quickly and for what periods of time organs and organ systems typically regenerate.
DNA, for example, renews and updates itself every two months. Every two months of our lives, the DNA is replicating in a way that allows a new template to be put into place. That means if you’re happy with your body and you’re satisfied with the expression of your DNA, there’s no need to do anything. If your body is showing you something that you’d like to change or that something that healthcare specialists are saying to you, you must change, this is an opportunity, a potential to use an additional alternative means along with the conventional medicinal approach.
Your skin rebuilds itself in about a month. Your liver rebuilds itself in about six weeks. It takes about four months for the blood cells to rebuild. The skeleton bones refresh in about three months. Your brain cells take about one year to regenerate.
According to the latest discoveries, every organ in the human body can regenerate, replicate, and heal itself. Even the organs and the tissues, which we were told could not. With all available integrative approaches, including energy healing, we can broaden the possibility for our health and well-being.
From these examples, we can see how the growth of our bodies is intermittent. It’s not solid; it’s not continuous; it’s not constant. There are cycles, and if we use those cycles. If we know, those cycles are based upon a pulsation of energy. If through the use of the Balancer, we hold the key to open the floodgate of healing energy. We signal our cells to participate and to bring better changes in our lives.
A scientific paper “Science and Healing: From Bioelectromagnetics to the Medicine. Implications, Phenomena, and Deep Transformation,” published in 2004 in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (Volume 10, No.1), opens the door from a scientific perspective in a peer-reviewed journal rather than metaphor, hypothesis, or conjecture.
Among our cells, we have a unique set of cells called sensory neurons. These are brain-like cells, also present in our hearts, that function in a way that allows us to transcend the laws of conventional physics as we know them today. Using the Wellness Balancer Pyramid profiles, we can direct our sensory neurons to reach the field of all possibilities into the quantum matrix.
The numerous balancing profiles result from the leading-edge discoveries, the leading-edge research, and the solid scientific evidence. It also can be a key to the next step in improving your health and quality of life.
Available Energy Balancing Profiles
Acupuncture profile
This energy profile can help stimulate acupuncture points and increases the flow of energy throughout the body. The profile can be used separately on its own as well as during the acupuncture treatment. Qualified acupuncture specialists also reported much-increased patient benefits while using Wellness Balancer Pyramid and acupuncture therapy combined.
Allergy relief
Allergy relief profile
This energy profile can be used as an alternative addition to helping mitigate common allergies.
Autoimmune energy balancing
Autoimmune energy profile
This energy profile can be used as an additional alternative to supplement the energy balancing of autoimmune issues.
Cardio profile
This profile can be used as an additional help to supplement energy balancing while trying to improve the function of the cardiovascular system.
Circadian rhythms synchronization
Circadian rhythms synchronization
In mammals, the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) functions as a circadian clock that drives 24-h rhythms in physiology and behavior.
The SCN is a bilateral structure containing 20,000 neurons that generate circadian rhythms. The SCN synchronizes its circadian rhythm to the external day–night cycle using light information that is projected via the retinohypothalamic tract (RHT).
Detox profile
This energy profile can be used as an additional help to supplement energy balancing while trying to detoxify the internal accumulation of all sorts of elements negatively burdening our health.
Digestive tract
Digestive tract profile
This energy profile can be used to supplement energy balancing while trying to cleanse and normalize the function of the digestive tract.
Drainage profile
This energy profile can be used to supplement energy balancing while trying to help with drainage functions of the lymphatic and circulatory body systems.
Ethological cleansing
Ethological cleansing profile
This energy profile can be used to supplement energy balancing while trying to help to cleanse the body from unwanted etiological burdens.
Eye health
Eye health profile
This energy profile can be used as an additional help as supplemental energy balancing while trying to maintain and improve eye health.
Genetic fear memory cleansing
Genetic fear memory cleansing energy profile
According to the latest scientific research and experiments, a person’s life can be affected by events in previous generations passed on through a form of genetic memory.
In December 2013, the article "Parental olfactory experience influences behavior and neural structure in subsequent generations" was published in the prestigious journal Nature Neuroscience. This publication discussed a new study trying to figure out how memories can be passed down to later generations through genetic switches that allow offspring to inherit the ancestor's experience. Scientists have long assumed that experiences have built up over a lifetime, but this study suggests that fear could be passed down from our most ancient ancestors.
The experiments showed that a traumatic event could affect the DNA in sperm and alter the brains and behavior of subsequent generations. This condition, however, can be addressed through an epigenetic approach and energy healing.
This profile can be an additional help in cleansing and healing unwanted, unhealthy, and burdensome fears left by the previous generations.
Headache relieve
Headache relieve profile
This energy profile can be used to supplement energy balancing while trying to help in providing a measure of relief for a common headache.
In tune with the Universe
In tune with the Universe profile
“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts, and his feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”
Albert Einstein
This balancing profile addresses synchronization with the universal energy vibrations leading to our greater awareness of ourselves and our place as part of the Universe connection.
liver profile
This energy profile can be used as an alternative to supplement energy balancing while trying to help maintain and improve the optimum function of the liver.
Mental concentration improvement
Mental concentration improvement
This energy profile can be used to supplement energy balancing while trying to help with mental concentration. It can be beneficial for studying or concentrating on a cognitive task that requires utmost attention and focus.
Metabolic balance
Metabolic balance profile
This energy profile can be used as an additional help to supplement energy balancing while trying to maintain and improve the optimum metabolic function of the body.
Neurological balance
Neurological balance profile
This energy profile can be used as additional help to supplement energy balancing while trying to address neurological disorders and maintain the optimum neurological functions of the body.
Office environment balance
Office environment balance profile
A healthy workplace is one where workers and managers collaborate to continually improve the health, safety, and well-being of all workers and, by doing this, sustain the business's productivity.
Orthopedic balance
Orthopedic balance profile
This energy profile can be used as additional help to supplement energy balancing while addressing orthopedic disorders and issues and maintaining the body's optimum skeleton-muscular functions.
Overall cellular rejuvenation
Overall cellular rejuvenation profile
This energy profile can be used as an addition to supplement energy balancing while trying to help in starting cellular rejuvenation and awakening.
Pineal gland balance
Pineal gland energy balance profile
The pineal gland is a tiny little gland a little bigger than a grain of rice, and it is right between the back of your throat and the back of your head.
The pineal gland is susceptible to visible light. The light comes from the sun or from lights that we have in our homes and offices. That wavelength of light once light is perceived when our eyes are open. The optic nerve picks up the frequency of light and sends a signal right to a nucleus in the brain called the suprachiasmatic nucleus. That nucleus signals the sympathetic nervous system, which signals the pineal gland, and the pineal gland gets busy making a neurotransmitter called serotonin. Serotonin is the daytime neurotransmitter that, once activated, begins to cause us to become aware that we're local in space and time. We become conscious that our bodies are in an environment and in time. It produces a specific brainwave frequency called beta brainwave frequencies. Beta brainwaves cause us to focus most of our attention on the outer world. The release of serotonin then gets us up and gets us busy during the day.
When there is a lack of the wavelength of light that usually hits the back of the eye, the optic nerve begins to diminish the release of serotonin in the brain. The inhibition of light signals the same nucleus in the brain called the suprachiasmatic nucleus, which dampens down the sympathetic nervous system. The pineal gland begins to make a chemical called melatonin, the nighttime neurotransmitter. As melatonin levels rise because of darkness in the evening, we slow our brain waves down into alpha, theta, and ultimately delta. It's melatonin that allows our body to restore and regenerate.
Serotonin wakes us in the morning, and melatonin puts us to bed at night.
Those are two critical neurotransmitters that function in a rhythm called the circadian rhythm.
This balancing profile addresses the crucial issue of balance and the optimum function of the pineal gland to optimize our daily live cycles.
Physical fitness
Physical fitness profile
This energy profile can be used as additional help to supplement energy balancing while trying to maintain optimum physical fitness and balance the energy in the body while on the exercise regimen.
Positive physical and mental reprogramming
Positive physical and mental reprogramming energy profile
From time to time, we find ourselves at the crossroads of life. With different challenges, our bodies and mind need a boost. We call this a positive reprogramming boost. This profile can be used to supplement energy balancing while trying to achieve the optimum readiness to accept challenges easily and become a happier, healthier person.
Post-vaccination cellular rehabilitation
Post-vaccination cellular rehabilitation energy profile
We live through the age of extreme vaccination circumstances. Sometimes our cells do not respond well to the intrusions of foreign elements into their environment. This leads to many unwanted disorders and side effects. This energy profile can be used to supplement energy balancing while trying to reinforce the original cellular intent according to the DNA blueprint and helps cells adapt to the current environment without succumbing to the forced change.
Prayer and meditation
Prayer and meditation energy profile for personal or group application
Using this energy profile helps to reach an optimum state of mind and body in connection with the positive emotions brought on while in the meditative or prayer-like state. The energy from the Wellness Balancer Pyramid triggers a deep spiritual connection to cosmic vibrations and wisdom.
Psychological balance
Psychological balance profile
This energy profile can be used to supplement energy balancing while trying to help to maintain optimum psychological fitness and balance. It also helps to cope with mental and emotional issues and challenges.
Relaxation profile
This energy profile can supplement energy balancing while trying to help the body and mind reach a state of deep relaxation, which is beneficial for normalizing and balancing vital health processes of body systems.
Reproductive system
Reproductive system profile
This energy profile can be used as an additional help to supplement energy balancing while trying to improve the function of the reproductive system.
Rheumatic health
Rheumatic health profile
This energy profile can be used as an additional help to supplement energy balancing while trying to address various rheumatic concerns.
Sensory neurons heart and brain synchronization
Sensory neurons heart and brain synchronization profile
An incredible discovery that involves the human heart was made in 1991. Scientists have recognized that we have about 40,000 specialized cells within our hearts concentrated in an exact way. These specialized cells are called sensory neurons. They are essentially brain-like cells, but they're not in our brains. They are in our hearts. Scientists call these cells the little brain in the heart.
This energy profile helps to open and deepen the connection, and synchronization between your brain cells and the heart's sensory neurons, leading to the opening of deep intuition and emotional wholeness.
Skin profile
This energy profile can be used as an additional help to supplement energy balancing while trying to address various skin problems and conditions. It can also help to maintain optimum skin health.
Sleep improvement
Sleep improvement profile
This energy profile can be used as an additional help to supplement energy balancing while trying to address issues with sleep.
Synchronization with the Earth
Synchronization with the Earth profile
Our planet Earth behaves like a gigantic electric circuit. Its electromagnetic field surrounds and protects all living things with an average natural frequency pulsation of 7.83 hertz. This profile helps to synchronize your body’s energy vibrations with those of Earth. Being on the same frequency levels with the Earth promotes a happier, healthier life for you and those around you.
Teeth, mouth, and jaws
Teeth, mouth, and jaws balancing profile
This energy profile can be used as an additional help to supplement energy balancing while trying to address dental concerns.
The immune system balance
The immune system balance profile
This energy profile can be used as an additional help to supplement energy balancing while trying to address the concerns of the immune system.
Tinnitus profile
Tinnitus is a problem of hearing noises like ringing in the ears that are not associated with the sounds coming from the outside. This energy profile can be used as an additional help to supplement energy balancing while trying to address this unpleasant and sometimes very bothersome issue.
Total balance
Total balance profile
This energy profile helps reach a total balance and coherence of body, mind, emotions, happiness, calmness, life appreciation, enthusiasm, and relaxation.
Universal Energy Matrix clarity
Universal Energy Matrix clarity profile
Throughout history, the concept existed that man and cosmos are connected through the sea of energy that manifests in all our life aspects. This pre-scientific concept of a cosmic energy goes by many names in many traditions, such as ch'i, ki or qi (Taoism), prana (yoga), mana (Kahuna), barakah (Sufi), élan vital (Bergsonian metaphysics), and so forth. We call it Universal Energy Matrix. You can use this profile to get a clear awareness of being part of this Energy Matrix.
Urology balance
Urology profile
This energy profile can be used as an additional help to supplement energy balancing while trying to address various urological concerns.
Weight balance
Weight balance profile
This energy profile can be used as an additional help to supplement energy balancing while trying to address weight-related issues. Also, it can help to maintain the optimum metabolic and weight balance.
Kundalini Gentle Awakening
Kundalini Gentle Awakening profile
In Hinduism, Kundalini is a form of divine feminine energy believed to be located at the base of the spine in the Muladhara. It is an important concept in Śhaiva Tantra, where it is believed to be a force or power associated with the divine feminine or the formless aspect of the Goddess.
The experience of Kuṇḍalinī awakening can happen when one is either prepared or unprepared. According to Hindu tradition, in order to be able to integrate this spiritual energy, a period of careful purification and strengthening of the body and nervous system is usually required beforehand.
The first root chakra (Muladhara) balancing
The first root chakra (Muladhara) balancing profile
The root chakra is the first chakra of the body and is located at the base of the spine. Its role is to connect your mind, body, and soul with the Earth. This chakra is feminine by nature and gives us the feeling of being close to the earth. It keeps us grounded and connected with the Earth's energy.
The color of the chakra: Red
The second sacral chakra (Svadhisthana) balancing
The second sacral chakra (Svadhisthana) balancing profile
The sacral is located right below the belly button-- three inches below the navel, to be precise. This chakra is associated with the lymphatic system and is responsible for expressing emotions. It also helps you to get in touch with your sexual desires.
The color of the chakra: Orange
The third solar plexus chakra (Manipura) balancing
The third solar plexus chakra (Manipura) balancing profile
The third chakra is located behind the naval region below the rib cage. It is associated with self-confidence, self-discipline, and wisdom. This chakra is also responsible for the ‘gut feeling.’ For the uninitiated, gut feeling is getting a clue about something which isn't right for you.
The color of the chakra: Yellow
The fourth heart chakra (Anahata) balancing
The fourth heart chakra (Anahata) balancing profile
The heart chakra, or Anahata chakra, is the fourth of the seven main chakras, located in the center of the breastbone. It governs people's love for themselves and those around them, supporting empathy, compassion, and forgiveness.
The color of the chakra: Green
The fifth throat chakra (Vishuddha) balancing
The fifth throat chakra (Vishuddha) balancing profile
The Vishuddha, or throat chakra, is the fifth of the seven main chakras located at the base of the throat area. It governs self-expression, communication, and the ability to speak truthfully.
The color of the chakra: Blue
The sixth third eye chakra (Ajna) balancing
The sixth chakra, third eye (Ajna) balancing profile
The sixth out of the seven chakras is the third eye. Its energy governs spiritual communication, awareness, and perception.
The third eye chakra Ajna, also called the brow chakra, is the sixth of the seven main chakras, located in the center of the forehead. It has feminine energy and governs spiritual communication, awareness, and perception. Two elements are associated with the wisdom of the third eye chakra, including the lotus flower and the upside-down triangle.
The color of the chakra: Violet or Indigo
The seventh crown chakra (Sahasrara) balancing
The seventh crown chakra (Sahasrara) balancing profile
The crown chakra is the last of the seven chakras or energy centers located at the top of the head, representing spiritual consciousness and transformation.
The crown chakra is the highest chakra. It comes after the other six chakras, including the root chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, and third eye chakra. The crown chakra, combined with the lower chakras, makes up the subtle energy system. The Sahasrara is the entry point for human life force pouring into the body’s energy system from the universe.
The color of the chakra: Violet to White
Seven chakras balancing
Seven chakras balancing profile
Energy (known as prana in the yogic tradition) flows through the chakras. When a body is balanced, energy flows freely and can be energizing, revitalizing, and peaceful. There are seven main chakras along an energetic channel called the Sushumna Nadi, which runs through the base of the spine through the crown of the head, passing through each chakra on its course. The chakras act as junction points between your human form and consciousness.
A balanced state-of-mind
A balanced state-of-mind profile
A living experience has shown that it is essential to go beyond exploring nutrients and focusing solely on physical activity. We need a more balanced approach to living our lives if we want to heal our bodies, balance our minds, and soothe our emotions.
A balanced state of mind helps to cope with stress and psychological well-being. It is important to find the ratio of positive thoughts to the sum of positive and negative thoughts.
Intuition Tuning
Intuition Tuning Profile
In our fast-paced lives, it is easy to overlook or ignore the subtle signals of intuition. However, by cultivating awareness and attunement, we can strengthen our intuitive abilities. The Intuition Tuning Profile offered by the Wellness Balancer Pyramid provides a supportive energy field to help us reconnect with our intuition and embrace its guidance.
The Wellness Balancer Pyramid energy healing can not be regarded as a medical procedure and does not replace treatments and recommendations of the professional healthcare provider. The Wellness Balancer Pyramid can also be used along with the conventional therapeutic methods prescribed by healthcare professionals,